Indoor Experiment
I fell in love with the shelf above the sink at my stepdaughter's house and mentioned to Todd I would love to have one. After 2 years, I finally got it and it was just in time to put some of my plants from the porch and outdoors on it. Every year I lose my plants from the porch due to lack of sunshine so I wanted to try this out. I absolutely love how it turned out.
I have a large basket planter in my front landscape and added a plant to it last Spring. I did recognize the planter had a Wandering Jew plant and thought I would try to save it and replant it the before the freeze begins.
When it came time for me to repot, I was pleasantly surprised I had several indoor plants in this pot. I also had a Spider plant and one other I didn't save to repot. The Spider plant I have hanging in my living room upstairs outside my kitchen. The other only window with sunshine.
I was surprised to find baby shoots. My son Ethan, asked if I could make starts for his new place. I have two of the baby plants trying to grow roots currently. I have never started Spider plants. Wish me luck.
I added my Philodendron from the back porch to my shelf and I have cut off shoots to make startes for Ethan. I hung my large Wandering Jew plant in the kitchen and cut off shoots to make starters as well.
The re-poted the one from the front since it is much smaller I added it to my the shelf.
Last Spring I attempted my Fairy Garden again. The squirrels and raccoons tore it apart except for my Tea Cup Rose Bush I planted in memory of my sister, Lisa.
At the end if the season, I didn't have the heart to add the bush to our compost so I thought I would try to see if I can grow it inside. This is the last plant on my shelf.
It's been over a month and the plants and starters are doing well. I pruned the rose bush back. Look at what I found this morning...
Please take a closer look...
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