Beginning Stages of Expansion

I am actually looking forward to this Spring because I am expanding my butterfly/hummingbird garden. I am putting the plans down in writing. Currently I have a raised bed 4 ft x 8 ft. I plan on increasing by adding 2 more beds.

The planning is fun and I plan to add a fence around the entire garden compared to the beds. I am moving my arched trellis from in front of the shed to the opening of my garden. I want climbing roses on the trellis.
Currently I have Columbine, Coneflowers, Dayliles. Honeysuckle, Alaskan Daisy, Salvia, and Milkweed. 
I want to add some cute items in my garden and thought about something like these.

I plan on planting some annuals and will let Cambria help pick some out. Deckard asked for me to add some color carrots. I think I might grant his wish and have a row of carrots if we have no room in our vegetable garden.  Here are some ideas I want in my new garden.

I can't wait to see the addition. I realize it will be next year when things bloom more when I see the beauty after it begins to fill in more.
